Dear friend, I am delighted to invite you into the world of my music!

Take a moment, relax, and imagine as if the wind gently plays with your hair. As if the waves toss you slightly upwards, revealing their tumultuous essence. But they do not threaten your safety, they only want to conquer your heart with their beauty. Picture nature, your favorite places, and the untouched splendor of the Earth. You feel the beating of your heart, every breath, and the tingling sensation, with only you and this beauty surrounding you.

My music is about these sensations: about expression, drama, freshness, and romanticism. The melodies are cinematic, expressive, yet always clear and simple.

I am a composer from Krasnoyarsk, a student of the Gnesin Russian Academy of Music. It took me some time to follow in my father's footsteps, Valery Beshevli. I searched for myself for a long time and thought that my path was not yet defined. But despite the long wanderings, I was always filled with love for music and expressing my emotions through it. Alone with the piano and accordion, I discovered my talent for composition for the first time and soon found my own unique style.

Critics describe my compositions as a soundtrack to the Northern Lights, to the inevitable arrival of winter, to the first stars after sunset, to the sparks of a nighttime bonfire.

Take a seat next to me, and I will show you.